Thursday, August 28, 2014

What happened was...

So I walked and bussed down to glendale for my interview. I feel like I was doing good I made myself look a little stupid but in all it felt like speed dating.  Like me trying to impress someone with my personality.  It was about an hour long and then i had to walk to find a southbound bus so I could get home and it was super crowded and I was smashed between people and it was a hot mess. At least I got some kind of excersize though but my legs are going to be more fit than the rest of my body.

But being jobless and not having anything to do or contribute to society has been making me really depressed and lethargic.  I'm starting to feel hopeless. Like I'm this useless thing that always gets taken care of by everyone else. I'm not even going back to school yet.

Wish me luck you guys. I hope i get a job at least before September is over.

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