Monday, July 21, 2014

Sleep deprived

So pretty obvious due to the title I'm lacking sleep my neck hurts and my stupid anxious brain is going a mile a minute . so here I am eating peanut butter & honey sitting waiting for Netflix to load thinking of all my life choices.the friend that visited me is a long time friend  which I mentioned in 'Chubbs McGee' yesterdays post about my weight gain she stayed over and we talked like hens all through the wee hours of the morning. I didn't sleep well that night and I slept weird causing the neck discomfort I'm expericing now. Now I'm just emotionally exhausted and too excited for tomorrow to even give sleep a fighting chance. Weird how that works all day I was on the verge of napping and now when I need to I cant . funny how that works. And what little weight I did lose walking and shit I gained it all back thanks to Chinese food and popsicles. I can't even track if I made any progress since we ( mom & I ) don't have a scale in the apartment. Maybe I shouldn't stress. The weight should fall off evenly and hopefully in the fall I'll be back down to my previous size. I don't really eat much during the fall, usually I'm too lazy or too cold to try to feed myself. Last year I was depressed so that helped. Hopefully you guys reading are having a better night than I am.

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